
Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year Goal Update

So, here it is the 9Th January, 2009. How is every one's goals for the year coming along??? Fallen off the band wagon yet? I hope not. I am plodding along with the diet, exercise and scripture study. You may wonder about the being more joyful goal. I was as joyful as anyone can be while suffering from a severe head cold and having my hubby out of town for a few days. But, I didn't want the words from my previous posting to come back and haunt me. I may have insinuated that my dear, sweet husband was a wimp. So, it was nothing but JOY, JOY, JOY around here!
My son Joshua found the following clip for me, it is from the same lady who does the "Mom Song". I dedicate it to all those trying to stick to their goals - you can do it!!!


Unknown said...

Love the video!

Karin said...

Too funny! It's so good to poke fun at ourselves!